Wednesday, December 23, 2009

They Read Time Differently

I have so much to say on this. I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about how the ancestors "told" time before they became ancestors. I will share my thoughts elsewhere. Here, I simply want to record this comment that comes from Jerry Eubanks of Mississippi*:

What God says has got to come comes. This is written in the Bible. [White people might regard Emancipation as the work of man] but colored people looks cross years at everything. God did it all.

Eubanks suggests that their [the slaves'] eyes were watching God, as writer and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston also put it. One might contrast, however, Eubanks' faith with that of other slaves as suggested in the following comment by Charlie Aarons**:

According to what was issued out in the Bible, there was a time for slavery, people had to be punished for their sin, and there was a time for it not to be.

Finally, we learn from Henry Murray***:

...a lot of people thought the world was coming to the end, and they run in the river and drowned their selves.

We see here that not all African American slaves had the same sense of time or the same faith.

*Quoted in The Slaves' War by Andrew Ward, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 2008, 8.
**Ibid, 8.
***Ibid, 46.